Apologies for not updating my blog as regularly as I could
have, no excuse just good old fashioned laziness really! Since my last post I
have been slowly getting to know the way things work over here. I have managed
to attend some workshops for teachers. The Jolly Phonics training was organised
by GATE (Gambian Association of Teachers of English). They are currently working in 5 out of the 8
clusters in my region. I finally met some teachers there and talked to them and
found out about how they work and find teaching. The workshop was ok, but the
vast majority of the day was spent by the teachers making resources for their
classroom, with no apparent instructions from the trainers as to how to
effectively use them. However, to be fair I only attended 1 day out of 5 so I
may have missed that one.
The other 3 clusters in the region are being supported by a
Swedish NGO called Future in our Hands (FIOH). They have adapted a phonic
scheme especially for The Gambia called SEGRA (Serholt Early Grade Reading
Ability). The various pictures and words they use to introduce sounds and
rhymes are very familiar to Gambia children and have a relevance to them. I
have attended a couple of workshops run by them and they are very good, a much
better scheme than the Jolly Phonics one. The trainers are Gambians and also
much better and more effective in their training methods. The two regional
trainers for my region, Kebba and Cherno, come up every few weeks to run
workshops and go out on observations, giving feedback to teachers then heading
back down to the Kombos to report and to prepare for the next round of
training. They invited me along on one of their trek’s, so I finally managed to
see some teaching and to monitor some lessons. It was great to finally see some
teaching but at the same time overwhelming to realise the amount of support
these teachers actually need in terms of training. It is very chalk and talk,
although FIOH are making in-roads to get the teachers to be more active with
the children. The teachers can have up to 45 in their classes and have limited
resources with which to work. The workshop I attended at the weekend was
specifically for making resources for the teachers to use when introducing
sounds with their class. The teachers had to bring their own cartons with them
to facilitate in production of them, it was a sea of cardboard by the end! The
teachers are also paid to attend training, to pay for transport and lunch. It
was about D250 which is only about £5 but that would last a few days here.
As Sarah is predominantly working with the South Bank, I am
going to be working with the North Bank so when I finally got my motorbike I
went on my first trek with one of the cluster monitors for the Wuli West are in
Region 6, Malick. I had to cross the River Gambia for the first time. No nice comfy
ferry for me to cross on......instead I had to ride my bike down to the river
bank, then get off and hop onto what can only be described as a metal tub while
the men hauled my bike onto the back where it perched precariously over the
side while another man rowed us across. I am glad to say my bike made it
without getting wet! I finally met Malick who took me on a whirlwind visit
round 9 out the 11 schools in his cluster, through the bush and past many tiny
little villages that I have no hope of ever finding my way back to my own! I
took my GPS watch with me in the vain hope I could use it to find my way back
to some of them. Sadly all it recorded was a red loop as there are no towns or
streets in this part of the world to use as landmarks! Anyway, it was really
nice to visit so many schools, even though I barely spent any kind of time in
any of them. I have at least introduced myself to a few headteachers and I hope
to go back this week to some of the easier ones to find and see some teaching
in them. The one thing common throughout the schools is the poor wall displays
and ineffective use of the teaching aids they have, so this may be something
that I can help with. There was one school where the HT wants a library to be
set up in his school. He advised that he did have one but that all their books
went to another school which was to be set up as a library centre for the cluster.
Well, the library in this supposed ‘centre’, was thick with dust, books in no
order and some not even age appropriate for the children in the school. Very
depressing. There was one school in the cluster that has a fabulous library,
although there is Peace Corps based there who set it all up and ensures it is
well maintained. The HT was bemoaning the fact that she was leaving in June as
her time will be up and they won’t get another one to replace her. He was
worried about what would happen to it when she leaves and that there will be
no-one to take care of it. I tried to tell him that each teacher could be
responsible for it, but not sure he really took it on board.
Last week I also visited a local school to conduct some
monitoring in an ECD class. Oh my goodness, what an immense job nursery
teachers have here! Both classes I saw had over 50 children in them, with only
1 teacher, no other adult in the class. I was monitoring a listening walk for
Sarah. She has written a manual for the ECD classes and had worked with the
school to try and implement it. The children were to go on a walk round the
school grounds and listen for different sounds. The children were all over the
place, in one class the boys were running around and play fighting, whilst the
teacher struggled to control them and get them to listen. There was no
structure to these classes. I am still trying to get my head round what they
actually do with them. I don’t think that they even know themselves and actually
try and teach them the sounds that are taught in Grade 1.
Anyway, think I have bored you enough. This week I hope to
find my way back to some of the schools in Wuli West, so this may be my last
post if I don’t find my way home from the bush!