My LCM workshop (in my office that I have all to myself!) |
In the last week I have shared my home with 2 furry little
flat mates! I woke up one morning to hear scrabbling sounds coming from my
window. On shinning the torch through my mosquito net, I saw a rat poking its
nose out from behind the curtain! As you can imagine I was not too keen to get
out from under my mosquito net, despite being desperate for the loo. As soon as
it was light I was out like a shot calling for the boys in my compound to come
and help deal. They were rather unconcerned about the whole thing and
eventually made their way into my house to help deal with it. The next one made
its way into my food cupboard and munched its way through a packet of
spaghetti! I returned from visiting a friend in Soma to find rat droppings all
over the place. This one has since disappeared. I swear I saw it in the early
hours of the morning, but when the sun rose it had vanished!! Just hope it does
not come back. Mind you, could have been worse.......spiders or snakes!
Group sorting task - LCM statements/Teacher Directed Statements) |
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Phonic activity to use with pupils |
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Science activity (Float/Sinking) |
I have also had my LCM workshop, which went well and the
feedback was very positive, so am now trying to get funding to be able to
deliver it to more teachers in the region. My aim is to work with the cluster
trainers, for them to lead the training and I’ll support them. It can be hard
trying to get some teachers to make lessons more learner centred, but hopefully
this workshop will help give them ideas on how to make lessons more active for
their pupils. I feel it is important that the cluster trainers lead the
workshop as I have shared my skills with them and they now need to share it
with their colleagues. They need to move it forward themselves as no-one else
will do it for them. I have found that there are many hardworking teachers in
The Gambia who want to improve and change their practice, but struggle to do so
as they have no support or quality training to do so. Much of the training they
receive is pretty much of the chalk and talk variety. I hope to have got my
funding approved and all workshops completed before the end of February when my
placement will end. I fear that if they are not, then these workshops will not
happen, which would be a rather sad thing!
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